SPB-Linux 2
Home / Mirror



Concept & Installation

Basic system (description and download)

Addons (description and download)

Boot options

Man Pages

Basic system (boot from floppy disk): (if the download is slow you can try to switch between mirror and home)
(the integrity of the zip files may be checked with md5sum -c myfile.zip.txt if myfile.zip is in the same directory) 



first step of booting: bootable floppy disk (the zip file contains disk1.raw and rawrite.exe)



 use rawrite.exe or rawritewin (or dd) to write disk1.raw to a 1.44MB floppy disk; this creates a floppy disk with bootloader grub and with the files kernel and ramdisk; if the second floppy disk is not inserted you get a very limited shell which allows you to mount the device containing the SPB-Linux files.

disk2.zip (normal)


second step of booting: floppy disk or usb flash rom or ... (the zip file contains init6.gz)



 disk2.zip has to be unpacked with folder structure, i.e. init6.gz has to be in the folder /spblinux

disk2b.zip (tiny)


second step of booting: libc5 based system for systems with less than 64MB RAM

 replaces disk2.zip


SPB-Linux 2 is based on libc6 which requires more RAM than libc5; there is some limeted support for libc5; 
disk2b.zip has to be unpacked with folder structure, i.e. init5.gz has to be in the folder /spblinux


Basic system (boot from usb):
(the integrity of the zip files may be checked with md5sum -c myfile.zip.txt if myfile.zip is in the same directory) 



basic system and some addons: disktool, libs, smb_cl, plip, zipunzip, directfb, doc_all



 unzip usbboot.zip with folders to your usb storage device; look at readme.txt in the folder spbsetup to install the bootsector (from win9x/ME or from winNT/2k/XP or from linux)


The basic system gives you a midnight commander, support for some network cards, ftp client and server, telnet client and server, a dhcp client. - To extend this system you need some addons, which have to be put in the folder /spblinux (or in some subfolders of /spblinux); the boot parameter addons:subdir=mydir1:mydir2 controls which subdirectories are used; see boot options

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